
18 Oct 2009

An epithiny about the Final Portrait

So today I posted my 'final' portrait. Its not what I imagined and its not great. So after reading Phils comments, I had to start thinking. Do I recreate it and change what I had originally intended and try to further the idea into stupidity or go with another Idea entirely just a week before the Crit.
So I was pondering it while playing Uncharted 2 on PS3. I was scanning through there concept art of the characters and then it hit me. There was the main villain's model sheet.

Of course...

My fascination is games and this lends itself here.
A game character goes through many stages until it is in the game. The Character is placed into a pre-determined world and every aspect is created before it can begin to interact.
My Idea:
I am the character on the model sheet. It will consist of a front view, a back view and a side view. The reasoning? Why are we here? There are things in this world that are here for a reason. Placed into the world to do an action. What if I, We, were designed and created before we become who we are.

When we see a character Model sheet, unless we have seen the media, we don't know who they are. We judge on appearance.

So to simplify: I will create a character sheet of me. Just to be judged by appearance alone. My 'design' is all you know.



tutorphil said...

interesting, Earl.... a character sheet is cute idea...

Tomorrow at 3pm in Lecture Theatre 1, Tracy Ashmore is doing a second session on structuring arguments for academic writing and creative research; it will last an hour, giving you a bit of a breather before the life-drawing class; sorry for the short notice, but it was only confirmed at the end of last week. If you could assist me in getting word out to your classmates, I'd be very grateful. Cheers!

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