
20 Sept 2010

(Temp location) Initial links to Narrative title

(Putting this here until I have author privilages on our Studio blog)

When I first learnt of our Title, a few movies and images came to mind. These encompass a wide range of genres and ages. Here is a few of them:

Attack of... and 50 Foot

The phase 'Attack of' instantly made me think of the 'Godzilla' series created by the Toho Company over in Japan. 'Attack' is obviously on a much smaller scale then 'Invasion' so an attack on, say, a city could be well suited. Godzilla is also a towering being overlooking the city he strides through swiping skyscapers away so 50 ft applies here too.

Maybe its because Halo Reach came out last week and its on my mind, but with the mention of Aliens, came the covenant from the Halo Series. An alien race hellbent on the destruction of the human race. But then the next topic changed that...

From Toy Land:

Alien + Toy... who doesn't think of the Toy Story aliens. While clearly looking like aliens, they still retain the look of a toy. This is attributed to the way they move more then anything I believe.

As I said before, these were just the first, split second images that popped into my head when we recieved our title. These could be used as initial references for our project or not. Simply my first thoughts.


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