
20 Apr 2011

ELM Productions Logo and Intro

After seeing the post on the group blog of Justin's incredible logo, I decided to head on over to Video Copilot and see if I could find a Tutorial to match my logo. I easily found one that fitted to my logo but made it look better.

Heres the new Logo:

And the Intro created in After Effects:

I thought it goes really well with my original 'Galaxy' thinking that I had in mind when creating the original Logo, but this is a lot more professional...

EDIT: Changed Now to fit with Phils Comments and the tweaks I didn't do last time...

10 Apr 2011

Transcription - Final Maya Tutorials

And this post wraps up all the maya tutorials. All (dynamics, mental ray and game model) can now be found on my blog.



Final Gather:

Globel illumination:


Portal Lights:

Physical Sun:


Animation Cycle (Fish):

Animation Cycle (Robots)

Animation Cycle (Spiders)

Mud Drop:


5 Apr 2011

Transcription - Finishing up

So, here is the final animation for you all to see:

The actual final video is in HD so it came to 9gb, so I've had to do some compression...

Here is the required Showreel Video:

The DVD and Business Card designs:

The Making of:
Journey 3D Making Of

The Technical Paper:
Journey 3D Technical Doc