31 Jan 2010
Unit 4: Telling a Story that isn't a load of Crap
Unit 4 is all about telling a story. This is one unit I have looked forward to proberly the most because I like to think I have knack for story telling. Whenever I had to do a story for school or whatever, I always got really good feedback. I guess the trick to have ideas for a story is cohesivly work them together. This can be hard or easy (Just look at '24' for creating a complete story and telling fantasticly). The workshops with have with Phil (Since he IS writing his own book there is no one better) will really allow us to see different techniques and how to apply them. All in all a unit I want to get stuck into.
Now for my words:
Cat Burgler
Theres potential for comidic genious but can I pull it off? Tune in next time...
24 Jan 2010
Earl's Awesome Quotes:
You'll get your chance. Important thing is, When it comes you've got to grab it with hands.
I don't know where it came from, or why I like it so much but I just do.
But now its time to introduce a new quote that I came across while looking up 'Bayonetta'.
Theres a time and place for realism. When you're punching God into the sun is not one of those times.
Simply amazing.
21 Jan 2010
Final Backdrop, Set and Scene, Animation Reviews
Well the animation went over a treat. Before you can delve into the story, you have to look and analyse everything else about it. The short looks gorgeous and is very well animated. But the music and the animation misleads you into thinking all is well. But is it?
I love the sound effects as they just add that comical feel to the film. And you can't help but love the little kid and his ways.
My personal favourite scene is in the Doctors office. Seeing a child act as every child would in an perfect world is just funny. Then it delves into the uncanny when the child becomes 'drugged'.
Another favourite is when he adjusts the camera. Just little touches like this connect with the story and the world.
The ending was bittersweet but now I know where babies REALLY come from.
Fantastic animation and direction. A really good watch.
Hidden gems. That's what YouTube is for and it is what it produces for the most part. Kiwi is a simple tale of a wingless bird that wants to fly. The story revolves around Kiwi making his perfect plan. The story confuses the viewer at first. Why is he putting trees on the side of the cliff? All resolved with his leap of faith. And this is when the camera shift happens and we see him fly. Yes, we know he is not flying but you want him to. You will him to fly. Once again, its bittersweet because he is falling. There's no escaping that.
The look and sound effects makes Kiwi relatable and you want him succeed. Which he does... till he goes splat.
Our wonderful Nature:
This is a first place animation... and it shows. Straight off, the first impression I got was how good it looked. This is an amazing looking animation. and educational. Nothing wrong with that. Its a tale about a water Shrews love life. When two shrews must fight for the affection of the female, its strangely tense. I don't quite understand but those few seconds of the fight is tense and you eagerly await the victor. How did a 2 second fight evoke that reaction? Skill.
Then the comedy sets in but it doesn't take away from the seriousness it just produced. It adds to it. Plus that fight is awesome (The shrew did a hurricane kick from Street Fighter!!). And it ends with true love. Sex. Shrews live such crazy lives.
This is by far my favourite animation. The fight scene was fantastic, it looked great, it was sweet and funny. And the attention to detail is phenomenal. A pretty underhanded way of winning though.
I remember another animation that used a European style of art to showcase itself.
The story revolves around a small village overseen by a windmill. The village follows the lives of many off its residents in there perfect rudimentary lives. But what does the lighthouse hide? This was different compared to the other animation as it was presented as a cartoon and not a 3D animation. The art style reminds me allot of Professor Layton and is strikingly European. Once again the animation evokes a feeling towards the characters and there lives.
20 Jan 2010
Scene picking: Who are you Backing?
I like teddy bears. But I also like simplicity. But which is better? Theres only one way to find out... FIGHT!!!!!!
or post in the comments, your choice really.
I made the image brighter in response to some comments I got:
19 Jan 2010
And now it renders...
But I must face a stark truth:
If my Teddy Bear doesn't look right or fit into the scene then I WILL remove it. I worked hard on it but I can't let my favourtism get the better of the scene. I think the chair in the moonlight is substational enough but I'll have to wait and see.
As you can proberly tell, when I select a face to do whatever too, maya also puts a yellow outline around an opposite face. So when I move the face I have selected it also moves the other random face. Its only just started happening and I have no idea how to fix it. Or how I must of turned it on. This is making modelling impossible. And is really frustrating...
Edit: Sam has fixed it now people. I now owe him my soul...
I feel bad. All I have had to do to create the feeling I'm going for is to make a moon.
Yes, it is overly large. I wanted to create a sort of fantasy/horror version but without it being too obvious.
No, there are no stars. I took these out because what do we expect to see when we look up at night? STARS (clouds in Britain). I feel that if I took them out it will fool the audience into thinking something is missing but is not quite sure what it is.
18 Jan 2010
Scene textured and continued
Bear in mind that this is not the angle of the render, just a layout of the enviroment.
Time for an 'Earl Mills Trusty Checklist'
To Do:
Teddy Bear : Fur and Texturing
Deciding on camera angle
Textures I have used:
Scene Advancement
Maybe a bit too dark though? I'm trying to get the balance between night time and visibility.
Scene so far...
I don't know whether its my own work but I think this already has a feeling of unease.
Scene progress and concept art creation
Simple wooden chair that is common place in a small child/babies rooms. Will be center of the room with the EVIL teddy bear atop it.
Not as detailed as some of the other objects because I remember a one of the very first lectures where we were told that ' don't waste time and effort modelling and texturing an object that you can only see one side or barely at all. This crib will be in the corner or the foreground so you'll see a corner at the most.
Modelled a window based on the one we made previously made but modified it to look indoorsy.